Financial Data Engineering Design and Build Data-Driven Financial Products【電子書籍】[ Tamer Khraisha ]

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<p>Today, investment in financial technology and digital transformation is reshaping the financial landscape and generating many opportunities. Too often, however, engineers and professionals in financial institutions lack a practical and comprehensive understanding of the concepts, problems, techniques, and technologies necessary to build a modern, reliable, and scalable financial data infrastructure. This is where financial data engineering is needed.</p> <p>A data engineer developing a data infrastructure for a financial product possesses not only technical data engineering skills but also a solid understanding of financial domain-specific challenges, methodologies, data ecosystems, providers, formats, technological constraints, identifiers, entities, standards, regulatory requirements, and governance.</p> <p>This book offers a comprehensive, practical, domain-driven approach to financial data engineering, featuring real-world use cases, industry practices, and hands-on projects.</p> <p>You'll learn:</p> <p>The data engineering landscape in the financial sector</p> <p>Specific problems encountered in financial data engineering</p> <p>The structure, players, and particularities of the financial data domain</p> <p>Approaches to designing financial data identification and entity systems</p> <p>Financial data governance frameworks, concepts, and best practices</p> <p>The financial data engineering lifecycle from ingestion to production</p> <p>The varieties and main characteristics of financial data workflows</p> <p>How to build financial data pipelines using open source tools and APIs</p> <p>Tamer Khraisha, PhD, is a senior data engineer and scientific author with more than a decade of experience in the financial sector.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Financial Data Engineering Design and Build Data-Driven Financial Products【電子書籍】[ Tamer Khraisha ] 1

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