ASPECTS OF CHANGE 9 Steps to Conquer Your Most Devastating Change, Develop Boundless Energy, and Create a Life You Love【電子書籍】[ Donna Johnson-Klonsky ]

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<p>Have you faced a devastating event that has changed your life forever? Discover one woman's true story of tragedy and survival that will both captivate your heart and help guide you through your most devastating changes.</p> <p>The ASPECTS OF CHANGE is a profound new approach designed to help you process life-altering change and start living again. It delivers a customized action and goal oriented technique that will first introduce you to the change process and then help you master it!</p> <p>The ASPECTS OF CHANGE program will help you increase your energy and transform your thoughts, emotions, and actions so you can heal your wounds, move beyond your grief and create a life that you love!</p> <p>Stop hurting and start healing!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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ASPECTS OF CHANGE 9 Steps to Conquer Your Most Devastating Change, Develop Boundless Energy, and Create a Life You Love【電子書籍】[ Donna Johnson-Klonsky ] 1

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