Nutrients Quiet the Unquiet Brain A Four-Generation Bipolar Odyssey【電子書籍】[ David Moyer LCSW ]

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<p>Can nutrients successfully reduce and even stop symptoms of bipolar disorder and other mental disorders? Can Lyme disease treatment stop psychosis? Can antibodies to a milk protein contribute to mania? These are some of the questions answered in this revised edition of Nutrients Quiet the Unquiet Brain. Licensed Clinical Social Worker Moyer updates his readers on his familys journey by presenting research findings from the 12 intervening years since the book was first published. Part medical memoir, part medical detective story, the book describes the authors four-generation bipolar family odyssey that led him to paths less traveled. Moyer describes his efforts to help his father and son, whose lives were severely disrupted by mood swings and psychotic episodes. While trying to cope with the consequences of the illness, he explores the role of genes, foods, vaccines, microbes and nutrients. He discusses multiple biological triggers and leading edge interventions for those suffering from bipolar and other mental disorders. He explores new ways to assess and treat what he now calls biobehavioral syndromes. The book gives readers a view into bipolar disorder through the writings of his father and his son. He critically examines assumptions and practices in the justice and mental health care system that adversely impact those called the mentally ill. He describes new ways for patients, family members, education, criminal justice and mental health care professionals to understand and respond to mental illness. The book was the first of what ultimately became The Transformation Trilogy, three books that collectively argue for a fundamental transformation in the response of society, and, most importantly, the mental health care industry, to victims of mental illness.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Nutrients Quiet the Unquiet Brain A Four-Generation Bipolar Odyssey【電子書籍】[ David Moyer LCSW ] 1

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