The Strivers Adventure in Science, and Significance Forging a Fueled Future for Mankind【電子書籍】[ Phil Wallace Payne ]

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<p>Civilization is in an energy crisis. Human beings have wasted away the majority of their natural resources, but without energy, the world will die. Who will come to the rescue? In secret, a technical team of geniuses has developed a way to harvest usable and never ending energy from polar seas. In concept, their mission is simple; in delivery, it proves to be diffi cult and possibly tragic. The Strivers tells a story of life, love, and the labors undertaken by a brave few who believe in the energy of the ocean. From diverse backgrounds, the team is brought together by a shared mission; they change each other, and relationships evolve that never would have fl ourished without the worlds energy crisis. They are inventors, but they are also human beings, looking for connection in an inhospitable place. With luck, the team will fi nd a way to convert ocean energy into the next great fuel for mankind. Human life is in the hands of the strivers, who must harness the fury of the sea to save the world. Will they succeed, or will the weakness of their humanity make them fail?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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The Strivers Adventure in Science, and Significance Forging a Fueled Future for Mankind【電子書籍】[ Phil Wallace Payne ] 1

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